Credit Hours: 3
A spiral coverage of the fundamental principles of Electrical & Computer Engineering involving DC and transient circuit analysis techniques, diodes, operational amplifiers, logic circuit concepts, DC motors. The course will feature an intertwined development of theory and applications of the above topics.
Credit Hours: 1
A companion laboratory course to ELEE 2500 that provides practical insights for the theoretical topics covered in that course. Analysis and design of circuits involving applications of diodes, operational amplifiers, digital logic circuits, motors. Introduction to Electronic Design Automation software. Introduction to use of electronic instrumentation.
Credit Hours: 3
Continuation of a spiral coverage of the fundamental principles of Electrical & Computer Engineering, with an integrated treatment of advanced circuit theory and electronic circuits. The topics include sinusoidal steady-state analysis and power calculations, diodes and their applications, MOSFET and BJT amplifier circuits, frequency selective circuits, etc.
Credit Hours: 1
A companion laboratory course to ELEE 2520 that provides practical insights for the theoretical topics addressed in that course. Analysis of AC circuits, analysis and design of circuits involving applications of diodes, operational amplifiers, etc.; term project involving study of motors and associated sensing and drive circuitry, as appropriate.
Credit Hours: 3
Binary numbers and arithmetic. Fundamentals of Boolean algebra. Basic logic circuit concepts. Karnaugh maps. Multiplexers, decoders, flip-flops, counters, PLDs and FPGAs. Design of sequential circuits, computer modeling and simulation of digital systems.
Credit Hours: 1
Design and implementation of combinational and sequential logic circuits including counters, adders, shift registers, advanced sequential machines using FPGA’s, etc. Computer simulation of logic circuits.
Credit Hours: 3
Applications of operational amplifiers; amplifier frequency response; power amplifiers; integrated circuit building blocks of internal circuitry of operational amplifiers; other miscellaneous topics selected from: MOSFET digital logic circuits, motor drive circuits, switch mode power supplies, active filters, feedback in electronic circuits, etc.
Credit Hours: 1
A companion course to ELEE 3540 that provides practical insights for the theoretical topics addressed in that course, while highlighting the use of advanced Electronic Design Automation workflow techniques. Design of simple electronic sub-systems; designing for component tolerances; data acquisition and design of custom instrumentation; use of graphical programming environment tools with hardware targeting for design execution, significant term project with the use of appropriate circuit prototyping techniques, as feasible.
Credit Hours: 3
Transmission lines, Vector analysis, electrostatics, conductor and dielectric, magnetostatics, magnetic materials, boundary conditions and boundary value problems, Maxwell's equations and time varying fields.
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to the physical principles of modern semiconductor devices. Quantum mechanical descriptions of energy bands and conduction processes in n and p type semiconductors. Physics of equilibrium and biased p-n junctions. Effects of junction capacitance.
Credit Hours: 3
Analysis of magnetic circuits, transformers, DC machines, induction motors, synchronous motors, DC to DC converters, power electronic circuits in motor drives, etc.
Credit Hours: 3
Mathematical representation of signals, review of Fourier transforms, power spectra, auto-correlation, transmission through linear systems and sampling theory. Analog and digital modulation theory--analysis and design of modulation systems including amplitude modulation, angle modulation, and pulse modulation.
Credit Hours: 3
An introduction to embedded systems based on microcontrollers. The objective of this course is to present typical microcontroller architectural features, undertake embedded system programming (assembly language, C and C++), and present an introduction to processor interfacing by exploring digital I/O, Serial Protocols (SPI, I2C, EIA-232), Analog to Digital conversion, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Timer subsystems and Interrupt-based processing.
Credit Hours: 1
Familiarity with microcontroller system design and development: Peripheral I/O (GPIO, Timers, ATD, PWM etc.). Embedded Assembly and C/C++ language programming. Hardware and software experiments. Microcontroller design projects involving interfacing and software design and development. Common projects require development of robotic systems with real-time sensing and coding.
Credit Hours: 3
Fundamental techniques for the analysis of signals and systems. Laplace and Fourier theory and transforms including derivations and applications to circuits and systems, differential equation solutions, transfer functions, frequency response, and control and communication systems. Both continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems are covered. Extensive Matlab programming for analysis and simulation is used throughout the course.
Credit Hours: 3
A course discussing the design of software that drives physical hardware. An emphasis is placed on understanding the hardware limitations and their impact on the associated software design. Among the topics to be covered: interpreted vs. compiled programming languages, algorithm testing, software optimization, and an introduction to Operating Systems (OS) with the focus on writing device drivers.
Credit Hours: 2
A capstone design course which integrates materials from all areas of Electrical Engineering (robotics, embedded systems, wireless communications, electronics, power systems etc.). This course provides an advanced engineering design experience with realistic constraints comparable to that encountered in industry. Students have an opportunity to participate in a creative and realistic design effort requiring written, oral, and visual communication skills, as well as teamwork and planning. Literature search, feasibility studies, prototype development, and initial design are undertaken. Technical treatment of advanced topics, e.g., Robotic Operating System (ROS), the Gazebo simulator, Coordinate Frame transformation and Quaternions, Stochastic filtering (Kalman and Particle filters) etc.
Credit Hours: 1
Companion course for ELEE 4011. Design prototype development, preliminary implementation, and testing. Forensic engineering. Cyclic design iteration to establish feasibility and optimality. Embedded-system hardware and software construction/coding. Robotic Operating System (ROS) and Gazebo simulation and hardware exercises.
Credit Hours: 2
A design course which integrates materials from multiple areas of Robotics and Mechatronic Systems Engineering (e.g., robotics, embedded systems, wireless communications, electronics, power systems etc.). This course provides an advanced engineering design experience with relevant constraints. Students have an opportunity to participate in a design effort requiring teamwork and planning, literature search, feasibility studies, prototype development, and initial design. Technical treatment of advanced topics, e.g., Robotic Operating System (ROS), the Gazebo simulator, Coordinate Frame transformation and Quaternions, Stochastic filtering (Kalman and Particle filters) etc.
Credit Hours: 1
Companion course for ELEE 4013. Design prototype development, preliminary implementation, and testing. Cyclic design iteration. Embedded-system hardware and software construction/coding. Robotic Operating System (ROS) and Gazebo simulation and hardware exercises.
Credit Hours: 2
Continuation of ELEE 4011 requiring a completion of the design (and construction) effort and a professional presentation of the results. Participation in national and international competitions is common. Case studies, and design and development process-reflection, motivate the course lectures which present discussions on methodology, reliability, safety, and ethics among others. Technical treatment of advanced topics, e.g., Robotic Operating System (ROS), the Gazebo simulator, Coordinate Frame transformation and Quaternions, Stochastic filtering (Kalman and Particle filters) etc.
Credit Hours: 1
Companion course for ELEE 4031 and continuation of ELEE 4012. Design finalization. Subsystem construction, coding and testing. System integration and testing. User interface development and implementation. Technical design documentation (schematics). Results may be benchmarked via participation in national and international competitions.
Credit Hours: 2
Continuation of ELEE 4013 requiring a completion of the design (and construction). Engineering system design case studies motivate the course lectures which present technical treatment of advanced topics, e.g., Robotic control, Imaging, Sensor Fusion, Robotic Operating System (ROS), the Gazebo simulator, Coordinate Frame transformation and Quaternions, Stochastic filtering (Kalman and Particle filters) etc.
Credit Hours: 1
Companion course for ELEE 4034 and continuation of ELEE 4014. Design finalization. Subsystem construction, coding and testing. System integration and testing. User interface development and implementation. Technical design documentation.
Credit Hours: 3
Autonomous Mobility Robotics is concerned with the theory and applications associated with the development of mobile robots with onboard intelligence, that enables them to operate independently in known or unknown environments. Coverage spans the four sub-areas of perception, localization & mapping, cognition, and motion control.
Credit Hours: 3
Understand basic computational intelligence techniques including Fuzzy logic, Neural Network, and Evolutionary Computation techniques. Topics include fuzzy sets and relations, operations on fuzzy sets, fuzzy rules and inference systems, defuzzification methods; also, single layer neural network, backpropagation training algorithm; evolutionary computation as Genetic Algorithm -time permitting. Selected applications on some topics will be implemented.
Credit Hours: 3
This course is intended to give students a broad understanding of Automotive Electronics. Topics covered include Sensors and Actuators, Embedded Controllers, Safety Electronics, Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, Noise Cancellation Systems, CAN protocol, Diagnostics tools and procedures with examples of different advanced automotive systems such as Adaptive Cruise control, Active suspension, Object Detection and Collision Avoidance.
Credit Hours: 3
Ideal and non-ideal operational amplifiers, linear and nonlinear op amp circuit analysis and design. Topics include active filter design, power electronic circuits (ac switching controllers, inverters, choppers, ac/dc motor speed control circuits), signal generators, and switching capacitors.
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to computer networks including the study of local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN). Topics include introduction to OSI layering and TCP/IP protocols, implementation of examples of application-layer protocols, and description and behavior analysis of the medium-access control (MAC) protocols. Network traffic capture tools are used to observe, explore, and analyze different networking protocols at different layers of the OSI model.
Credit Hours: 1
The Networking Laboratory (NL) will provide students with hands-on design, setup, configuration and managing network devices and their applications. In addition, this lab will provide students with a controlled environment to validate basic networking protocols and functionalities. It will educate undergraduate students about the fundamental design, analysis, operation, control and management of networked systems.
Credit Hours: 3
Continued study of root locus analysis and frequency response analysis. Control system analysis/design using PID and compensation methods with an introduction to state-space methods. Translation of analysis from transfer function to the state space model.
Credit Hours: 3
Design of embedded systems (hardware and software). Topics include interrupts, basic multitasking, and programming microcontrollers in embedded C. A comprehensive embedded system design project which requires consideration of alternatives, constraints, and detailed system description is compulsory.
Credit Hours: 1
Students will perform advanced interfacing and development in the lab. They are taught a system design methodology based on top-down principles. A series of laboratory sessions introduce basic implementation of interrupts, multitasking, and device communication interfaces. In addition, a semester design/construction project provides the students with an excellent opportunity to develop strengths in embedded system design, construction, testing, and development.
Credit Hours: 3
Basic concepts of CPU design, memory systems, and I/O interfacing. Alternative design and evaluation of the control unit, the arithmetic and logic unit, and memory hierarchy.
Credit Hours: 3
EMC basic requirements for electronic systems, non-ideal behavior of passive components, radiated emissions and susceptibility, conducted emissions and susceptibility, crosstalk, shielding, electrostatic discharge, measurements, system design for EMC.
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to basic concepts in Discrete-Time Signals and Systems. Fourier Transforms of Discrete-Time Signals, Discrete Fourier Transform, z transforms. Digital filter design. Implementation using digital signal processors.
Credit Hours: 3
This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of digital image processing and computer vision. Topics include: sampling and quantization, image transforms and image enhancement. Design, implementation and testing of algorithms are undertaken via class projects.
Credit Hours: 3
The special topics such as Parallel Processing, Distributed Processing, Neural Networks, etc. will be offered under this course number.